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Core Database Functions

Warning: legacy API

This page is about the legacy SOAP-based jxAPI that is no longer updated or recommended for use in new projects. The documentation in this section may be outdated or inaccurate, and is provided for reference purposes only.

Journyx recommends using the REST-based API for new projects in most cases. However, at the current time, there are certain object types that are not available through the REST API.

Much of the data accessible through the jxAPI is tabular, and the jxAPI provides a record type and a standard set of methods for each table. The tables which have the standard methods described below are:

TableRecord TypeName In MethodsWithNames?Group?Hidden?Attributes?Searchable?Loggable?

In the list above, the "Name In Methods" column is the word that is substituted for "TYPE" in the method names described below. For example, a core method described as addFullTYPE is actually implemented as addFullUser, addFullProject, and so forth.

Methods Implemented For Each Type


addFullTYPE(record) -> id

Adds a record to the database, generating and returning a new ID.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


modifyTYPE(id, record) -> id

Replaces an existing record in the database, returning its ID.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


removeTYPE(id) -> integer

Removes an existing record from the database, returning 1 on success.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


getDefaultTYPE() -> record

Returns a record which is partially filled in with appropriate default values, suitable for adding to the database after you have filled in the fields you wish to set. The default values depend on the table, but will normally include blank strings or zeroes in most fields, the ID of the current user where appropriate, and so forth.


getTYPE(record) -> record

Given a pattern record, returns the first record from the database that matches it exactly. (Only fields containing a non-empty string or non-zero value are compared.) If no record matches, a fault will be raised.

This method limits its results to records visible to the user whose credentials are used to call it. The is_hidden field in the pattern, if present, is ignored even if the user is an administrator; see the getHiddenTYPEs method to retrieve hidden records.


getTYPEs(record) -> list of records

(Note the 's' after the type name.) Like getTYPE, but returns a list of matching records, which may be empty if no matches were found.

This method returns only visible records; if the table has an is_hidden field, its value in the search pattern is ignored.

This method limits its results to records visible to the user whose credentials are used to call it. The is_hidden field in the pattern, if present, is ignored even if the user is an administrator; see the getHiddenTYPEs method to retrieve hidden records.


getAllTYPEs() -> list of records

Like getTYPEs but returns a list of all records, as if getTYPEs was called with an empty pattern record. Like getTYPEs, the results are limited to records visible to the calling user.


getTYPEById(id) -> record

Like getTYPE, but returns a record matching the specified ID. This is exactly equivalent to calling getTYPE with a pattern with the only non-empty field being the ID, and is intended as a convenience for this very common operation.


countTYPEs() -> int

Counts the number of visible records in the table.


addFullTYPEWithNames(record) -> id

Like addFullTYPE, but for fields that reference another record, names are converted to IDs on the server side before the record is added.

At least the following fields are subject to name conversion:

userstime_gui, expense_gui, mileage_gui
projectsparent, creator
time_recsuser, project, code, subcode, subsubcode
expense_recsuser, project, expense_code, currency, source
travel_recsuser, project, vehicle, reason, measurement

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


modifyTYPEWithNames(id, record) -> id

Like modifyTYPE, but for fields that reference another record, names are converted to IDs on the server side before the record is modified.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


getTYPEWithNames(record) -> record

Like getTYPE, but for fields that reference another record, names are returned instead of IDs.

This method limits its results to records visible to the user whose credentials are used to call it. The is_hidden field in the pattern, if present, is ignored even if the user is an administrator; see the getHiddenTYPEs method to retrieve hidden records.


getTYPEsWithNames(record) -> list of records

Like getTYPEs (note the 's' after the type name) but returns names instead of IDs in fields that reference other records.

This method limits its results to records visible to the user whose credentials are used to call it. The is_hidden field in the pattern, if present, is ignored even if the user is an administrator; see the getHiddenTYPEs method to retrieve hidden records.


addTYPEToGroup(id, group_id) -> integer

Adds a record to a group. Returns 1 on success.

This method requires administrative privileges.


removeTYPEFromGroup(id, group_id) -> integer

Removes a record from a group. Returns 1 on success.

This method requires administrative privileges.


getHiddenTYPEs(record) -> list of records

(Note the 's' after the type name.) Like getTYPEs but instead of returning only visible records, this method returns only the hidden records from the table instead. (The value of the is_hidden field in the pattern is ignored; this method always returns hidden records.)

This method requires administrative privileges.


getHiddenTYPEsWithNames(record) -> list of records

(Note the 's' after the type name.) Like getTYPEsWithNames but instead of returning only visible records, this method returns only the hidden records from the table instead. (The value of the is_hidden field in the pattern is ignored; this method always returns hidden records.)

This method requires administrative privileges.


hideTYPE(id) -> 0

Hides a record, given its ID. This method requires administrative privileges.


unhideTYPE(id) -> 0

Unhides a record, given its ID. This method requires administrative privileges.


getLoggableTYPEs(pattern) -> list of records

Returns a list of visible and loggable records from the table.


countLoggableTYPEs() -> int

Returns a count of visible and loggable records from the table.


getLoggableTYPEsWithNames(pattern) -> list of records

Like getTYPEsWithNames but returns only loggable records.


getTYPEAttributeTypes() -> list of AttributeTypeRecord

Return a list of AttributeTypeRecords associated with the table.


getTYPEAttributes(id) -> list of AttributeQueryResult

Returns a list of attributes, similar to that returned by queryAttributes, for a specific record in the table.


setTYPEAttributes(id, list of AttributeValue) -> 0

Sets one or more attributes on a specific record of the table. The AttributeValue structure passed to this method has two fields, "name" and "value", both strings; values of non-string attributes must be passed as strings and will be converted to the proper type on the server side.


searchTYPEs(string) -> list of records

Searches for a string in the table, returning visible matching records. Fields searched for the string are table dependent, but typically include display name (pname) and description fields if available.


searchTYPEsWithNames(string) -> list of records

Like searchTYPEs but converts IDs to names in the same manner as the other "...WithNames" methods described here.

Generic Methods

In addition to the per-type methods described above, there is a set of generic methods which can operate on every table the jxAPI supports, not just the ones for which the per-type methods are provided. Because the types of the arguments and returns of these methods can vary, however, they are not supported by most typed endpoints -- it may be possible to use them, but doing so may require the client to manually construct SOAP requests and parse responses.


addFullRecord(table_name, record, withNames=False) -> id

Adds a record to a table, returning its ID.

If the withNames parameter is true, name to ID conversion is performed on some or all fields which reference other tables; see the documentation for addFullTYPEWithNames for more information.

Note that for compatibility with previous versions of the jxAPI, the withNames parameter is not available through typed endpoints.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


modifyRecord(table_name, id, record) -> id

Modifies an existing record, returning its ID.

If the withNames parameter is true, name to ID conversion is performed on some or all fields which reference other tables; see the documentation for addFullTYPEWithNames for more information.

Note that for compatibility with previous versions of the jxAPI, the withNames parameter is not available through typed endpoints.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


getDefaultRecord(table_name) -> record

Returns a blank record with appropriate default values filled in.


getRecordsList(table_name, pattern, withNames=False, only_hidden=False) -> list of records

Returns visible (to the calling user) records which match the provided pattern; any field (other than is_hidden, which is ignored) which does not contain an empty or zero value is compared exactly.

If the withNames parameter is true, ID to name conversion is performed on some or all fields which reference other tables; see the documentation for addFullTYPEWithNames for more information.

If the only_hidden parameter is true, this method returns hidden records instead of visible ones.

Note that for compatibility with previous versions of the jxAPI, the withNames and only_hidden parameters are not available through typed endpoints.


removeRecord(table_name, pattern) -> integer

Removes records matching the provided pattern.

When a non-administrator calls this method, user roles will be checked in a table-dependent manner to determine if the action will be allowed.


addObjectToGroup(group_id, table_name, object_id) -> integer

Adds a record to a group, returning 1 on success.

This method requires administrative privileges.


removeObjectFromGroup(group_id, table_name, object_id) -> integer

Removes a record from a group, returning 1 on success.

This method requires administrative privileges.


getSearchableTables() -> list of table names

Returns a list of all of the table names the jxAPI knows about.


getRecordsListWithDictString(table_name, dict_string) -> list of records

Returns records that match a query specified by a dictionary, which is passed as its string representation. See the method reference for more details.