Sign out
Sign out (logout) of the system. This will invalidate the wtsession
and you will need to sign in again to authenticate future API requests.
You do not need to provide a request body for this operation. This will
return a 403 Forbidden
error if you are not currently signed in.
How to authenticate to the Journyx API is described in the Authentication section.
- 200
- 403
- 500
- 503
Successful logout; see the results
object in the response body.
A 403 Forbidden
response means that you are not authorized to perform
this action or access this object, or the object does not exist at all.
The client request may have been valid but the client does not have permission to access the requested resource or perform the requested action.
:::tip 403 Forbidden also used when objects don't exist
In most cases, the system will not return a 404 Not Found
error response;
it returns 403 Forbidden
both when the object doesn't exist at all,
and also when it exists but the client does not have permission to access it.
This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized users from determining
whether an object exists or not.
See also Core Concepts#Error Responses.
Internal server error; an unexpected error occurred on the server. This could be due to a temporary condition or might be the result of a bug in the server software. Also, in some cases, an incorrect client input can trigger this error, and can be resolved by correcting the input.
If the error persists, please contact support along along with the following details when possible:
- any error messages received from the server
- the full request and response details (full headers and body)
- a description of the steps that led to the error
- the time range when it occurred.
Service unavailable - the server is currently unable to handle the request, usually due to maintenance activity on the server. Check if the server's web interface is currently available, or try again later.