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The request body for the "Approve Sheet" endpoint. Note that the request body must be a JSON list, not an object, with one entry (object) in the array per sheet to approve.

  • Array [
  • id_sheetstringrequired

    The ID of the sheet to approve. This is required.

    Example: D964DF9968B8424AB1E939BEDB44C68D

    The internal Entry Type code of the sheet. Note that mileage is used for what is now called "Custom Entry". This is required.

    Possible values: [time, expense, mileage]

    Example: time

    The ID of the project to approve. If this value is given, we perform a Project Approval of the given project, instead of a Period Approval. This only approves the use of the Project within the sheet, not the overall sheet itself.

    Example: 80A4EE9CB3E94FC4A3758621174DD736
  • ]
  • ApprovalRequestBody
    "id_sheet": "D964DF9968B8424AB1E939BEDB44C68D",
    "sheettype": "time",
    "id_project": "80A4EE9CB3E94FC4A3758621174DD736"