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Fields related to the last modification of a resource, including the last modified timestamp in various formats, the modifier's user ID and full name. Please note that this only records the most recent modification. In addition, it may not reflect modifications to child resources or extended properties that are defined in other tables, such as "Custom Fields". These last modifier fields are always read-only.

Note that extended information about the modifier user may be included in the modifier_properties field, depending on the $keys requested. If present, this information will follow the schema of the User object.


The internal User ID of the user who most recently modified the object.

Example: 64BBA147B9AC41D9978062300826C89F

The full name of the user who most recently modified the object.

Example: John Doe
modifier_properties object

Extended information about the User who last modified the object. This field is only included if the $keys parameter requests it.


The ID of the user's assigned Expense entry screen configuration.


The ID of the user's assigned time entry screen configuration.


The ID of the user's assigned Custom Entry (a.k.a. Mileage or Travel) entry screen configuration.


UNUSED FIELD This is a legacy field that is no longer used.


The email address of the user.

Note: This is a read-only field. To change the user's email address, you must modify the users_attribs:users_email field.


The first name of the user.

Note: read-only; set via the fullname field.


The unique internal ID of this user. (Same as id.)

Example: 5CD906A3941C463B9CC98F49DBCC25AA

The last name of the user.

Note: read-only; set via the fullname field.

memorized_sheet_choices object[]

A list of memorized timesheets associated with the user.

These are the choices available to set in the default_memorized_sheet field.

  • Array [
  • valuestring

    The internal ID of the memorized timesheet.


    The name of the memorized timesheet.

  • ]
  • reserved1string

    UNUSED FIELD This is a legacy field that is no longer used.


    UNUSED FIELD This is a legacy field that is no longer used.


    UNUSED FIELD This is a legacy field that is no longer used.


    UNUSED FIELD This is a legacy field that is no longer used.


    Details about the user's assigned time entry screen configuration.


    Details about the user's assigned Custom Entry (a.k.a. Mileage or Travel) entry screen configuration.


    Details about the user's assigned Expense entry screen configuration.

    "modifier_fullname": "John Doe",
    "modifier_properties": {
    "expense_gui": "string",
    "time_gui": "string",
    "travel_gui": "string",
    "daysinlist": 0,
    "email": "string",
    "first_name": "string",
    "id_user": "5CD906A3941C463B9CC98F49DBCC25AA",
    "last_name": "string",
    "memorized_sheet_choices": [
    "value": "string",
    "text": "string"
    "reserved1": "string",
    "reserved2": 0,
    "reserved3": 0,
    "timerecs_out": 0,
    "time_gui_properties": {},
    "travel_gui_properties": {},
    "expense_gui_properties": {}
    "modifier": "64BBA147B9AC41D9978062300826C89F"