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These are common fields used throughout the system to indicate the status of an object, whether "hidden", "loggable", "reportable-only".

Note that "hidden" status is defined as not belonging to any Groups. See that link for more information about finding hidden items.

Loggable and Reportable status means that the object is both visible to at least some users, and can be used in current (new) time entries.

Reportable Only means that the object is visible to at least some users, but cannot be used in newly created time entries.


Indicates whether the object is hidden.

See also status


Indicates whether the user is hidden.

Read-only alias for is_hidden.


The general visibility status of the object; either Hidden, Loggable and Reportable, or Reportable Only.

This is a write-enabled field if you have the appropriate permissions. See also status_code which can be changed in the same way.

Possible values: [Hidden, Loggable and Reportable, Reportable Only]

Example: Loggable and Reportable

The internal code for the status of the object; either:

  • lr for Loggable and Reportable
  • ro for Reportable Only
  • h for Hidden

Possible values: [lr, ro, h]

Example: lr
"is_hidden": true,
"hidden": true,
"status": "Loggable and Reportable",
"status_code": "lr"