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The request body for the "Reject Sheet" endpoint of Approvals. Note that the request body must be a JSON list, not an object, with one entry (object) in the array per sheet to reject.

  • Array [
  • id_sheetstringrequired

    The ID of the sheet to reject. This is required.

    Example: D964DF9968B8424AB1E939BEDB44C68D

    The internal Entry Type code of the sheet. Note that mileage is used for what is now called "Custom Entry". This is required.

    Possible values: [time, expense, mileage]

    Example: time

    The reason for rejecting the sheet. This is required.

    Example: Too many hours on project XYZ.

    The ID of the project to reject. If this value is given, we reject the Project Approval track of the given project, instead of rejecting the entire sheet for Period Approvals. This only rejects the use of the Project within the sheet, not the overall sheet itself.

    Example: 80A4EE9CB3E94FC4A3758621174DD736
  • ]
  • RejectRequestBody
    "id_sheet": "D964DF9968B8424AB1E939BEDB44C68D",
    "sheettype": "time",
    "reason": "Too many hours on project XYZ.",
    "id_project": "80A4EE9CB3E94FC4A3758621174DD736"