A single result from a search for API keys.
The possible expiration choices for the API key. These are in a [id, label] format for a SELECT element.
The maximum number of days that an API key can be valid for.
keys object[]
The API keys that match the search criteria.
The internal ID of the API key.
The internal ID of the user associated with the API key.
The full name of the user associated with the API key.
The display name (label) of the API key.
This is the actual API Key to be used as a password to authenticate with the system. This will only be returned to the user who owns the key.
The format version of the API key; normally 2
If true, the API key is for read-only access.
If true, the API key has already expired.
The number of days until the API key expires.
The Unix timestamp when the API key expires.
The internal ID of the user who created the API key; not necessarily the owner (the user associated with the key).
The full name of the user who created the API key.
The Unix timestamp when the API key was created.
The internal ID of the user who last modified the API key.
The full name of the user who last modified the API key.
The Unix timestamp when the API key was last modified.
Any custom properties associated with the API key.
The list of abilities associated with the API key. If empty, the API key has full access.
"expiration_choices": [
"max_expiration_days": 180,
"keys": [
"id_api_key": "string",
"id_user": "string",
"id_user_fullname": "string",
"pname": "string",
"display_key": "string",
"version": "string",
"read_only": true,
"expired": true,
"expires_days": 0,
"expires_timestamp": 0,
"creator": "string",
"creator_fullname": "string",
"create_timestamp": 0,
"modifier": "string",
"modifier_fullname": "string",
"modify_timestamp": 0,
"properties": {},
"scope": [